Courses, Classes & Programs

Here you can and will find a list of ways to get involved with UNM. You can enroll as a Student, apply as a Mentor, Join as a Partner, Donate as a Donor or invest as a Sponsor!


📚As UNM Students, you are setup and put into position to better understand your personal needs. The opportunities this and the cooperate industry has to offer. You will learn cyber safety, website creation, personal branding, real world expectations and regulations, marketing and much more! Classes are scheduled on demand basis. Per each individuals needs and interests. We understand the importance of our individuality, privacy and confidentiality!

Independent Instructors

Apply as an indepentant instructor and come visit the teachers lounge!

Advocate Partnership Program

💰The Advocate Partnership Programs are for like minded and intrigued partners. Looking to create a better future for all as well as a current wealthy income for themselves. As a partner you get to experience UNM full throttle! There are three different partnership and each has a different pay plan option. All partners will earn a commission based income. Meaning you can make money by being a partner and referring other interested partners, enrolling students, independent instructors and selling UNM merchandise.. Come help spread the word for a better cause. JOIN NOW!

UNM Communities:

🌐UNM Communities, the place where everyone connects. There are three separate organized communities in UNM. We have the Free Global Community, The Students Community and The Partnership Community.

✷Extracurricular Activities✷

UNM extracurricular activities offers a wide range of fun ways to air and clear the mind. While also making some side cash to help pay your bills or tuition. We Add new content daily. Check back regularly to see the updates!